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Today's Question: Earning Money Online

To earn money online you need to put in a lot of work. Real hard work. You need to spend hours perfecting your skills and identifying the projects that will get you maximum return.

I read an article yesterday and I thought I should share it with you. Torgeir Sunnarvik narrates his personal experience of earning money online and that is what most others also experience. To read the whole article click here.

He has some lessons to share with us. One of them is given below:

The First lesson learned

Looking back on these last three years, I have learned a few things that I would like to share with you today.

First of all, you should never join any of those scam sites that claim you will make a lot of money fast without working hard.

The cold, hard truth is that there is no way that you can make money online unless you are willing to work hard!

The next time you read about an opportunity where the promoter is telling you that you will not have to work hard to be successful, Stop! Stop and ask yourself "how hard this person is working" to part you with your money?

What about that email opportunity you are reading, where this anonymous person is telling you that you will not have to send other people email in order to make money? If he is being honest with you about the nature of his business, why did he have to send you an email to get Your business? If his way is best, why is it that he is not practicing what he preaches?

You have to approach new programs with your eyes wide open! Be willing to read between the lines to see if the promoter is lying to you to part you with your money. Be willing to research on the internet what other people have said about the program that you are looking at. Be willing to discover and separate the people who are trying to sell the program, from the people who are giving you an honest appraisal of the program, from the people who are just complaining about everything to hear themselves talk.

In the end, it comes down to this. If you get involved with one of the myriad of scam opportunities floating around out there, you will end up spending all of your money with zero rewards in your pocket for your time or effort.

To read the complete article go to Want to Learn.