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How do I earn more through AdSense?

Many visitors to my blog have asked me how they can maximize their income from their AdSense sites. They say that they have built the sites and put in the code, but they do not see much money from it.

The first thing to remember for maximizing Adsense income is to have good content on your websites. Make sure you read the Adsense Checklist at:

Next, drive tragetted traffic to your site. If more people visit your sites, your income will get a boost automatically. For more details, go to:

Remember, do not ask your website visitors to click on the ads on your site. This is against the Google Adsense Terms of Service. For a list of DOs and DONTs, visit:
Important Do's and Don'ts for Adsense Professionals

Prepare a website with good content, increase traffic to your site through proper means and follow the adsense rules and regulations and cash in on a regular life long income.