I got a call from ebay yesterday. I have registered at ebay but I have still not learnt how to sell things there.
Yesterday I got a call and a lady with a soft voice told me she could give me a 15 minute training online if I want to sell something in ebay. I said ok I will be online for 15 minutes tomorrow.
She said get a photo of what you want to sell and I will call you tomorrow. I first thought I wanted to sell some electronic goods. Later I felt why not sell my diamond ring and get some money for the home mortgage.
So I have taken a photo of the diamond ring, my daughter helped me do it. I will learn how to sell and check out if I can use ebay for future buyings and sellings.
The diamond ring I have is ages old, it is very precious, has a beautiful design and is 'Anamol' (that which cannot be valued in terms of money). I have read a lot about antiques.
Have you checked this site? If you are interested in antiques you should.
And if you are buying an antique ring for your fiance' do not forget to send her some flowers. In the same site you will find some online florists.Online Florists
And if you have any questions about antiques post your comments here.